July 2022

 Open Door. July 2022

Newsletter of Henderso Memorial Baptist Church

                  110 Academ Street, P.O. Box  147, Farmington , ME 04938   207-778-2163

                                                             COMING SOON!! New Website : www.hmbcme.com

Email : hmbcmaine@gmail.com     Office Hours Monday -8:30-1:30,   Thursday -8:30-11:30


Hello Henderson Memorial Baptist Church!

This last week of June has been especially challenging for me, as I am finishing three graduate classes and beginning two more simultaneously. Albeit that is not enough, our family had the misfortune of losing our beloved family Shih TzuNellie- this week. I would like to thank you- and continue to welcome prayers- as our family journeys through these challenges. I would also like to thank each of you for the love you showed Nellie during her brief life in my ministry at Henderson. I will never forget your warmth and compassion for our life-long companion.

Quite thankfully, we have the hope that God declares in Habakkuk 1:5 as it is written,

“Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told.” (ESV)

Small Groups

As a lead-in to this message, I would like to commend those of you who are actively involved in some element of a small group. At the same time, I would like to challenge those who are not to consider joining one of these small groups. This message will explore the importance of these small groups.

Disciple and Discipleship

Can any of you define the difference between being a Disciple and Discipleship? During one of our recent small group meetings, this question came up. As God just happens to have His hand in everything, He did with this question also as the group challenged themselves and their objectives within the small group. So, let’s start by glancing at how Christ defines a Disciple, looking at the whole context of Scripture.

Rodney Earles, Professor of Discipleship at Liberty University, recently forwarded this summary of Christ’s definition of a Disciple outlined in a publication, “Innovative Church-Discipleship- Chapter 2: What is God’s Will for my Church?

“A Disciple is a person who has trusted Christ for salvation and has surrendered completely to Him. He or She is committed to practicing the spiritual disciplines in community and developing to their full potential for Christ and His mission.”

As there is a lot to unpack with Professor Earley’s definition, let’s look at Scripture quickly.   1 Timothy 3:16 tells us how Scripture is from God and is intended for teaching, correcting, and training men so that they may be equipped for every good work. Therefore, Scripture must be used in the context of all we do in the Church even if it seems too much. We will explore that in a future newsletter, but for now, let’s stick to discussing Disciples and their purpose.

First, we must remember that the Church age did not exist in Scripture until Matthew 16 and did not come into place until the infamous sermon in Acts 2. Before that, people could be seen going to extremes to find God. How is Church necessary here, you may be asking? The Greek word for Church defines it as “a gathering of called-out ones.”  Looking at the context of Scripture, we can see that Christians are called out of this world to a savior who calls them on a mission. That mission started with the resurrection of Christ. Earles summarizes how God fulfilled his role by sacrificing his son to persecution and death. God’s role was then concluded when Christ was resurrected from his death so that we could be forgiven- with no penalty- for our sins.

Now it’s up to Us

Earles concludes that the next part of God’s plan is on us. He states that our role is to serve as Disciples, led by the Great Commission, calling on Matthew 28:18-20. We can see by looking at other Scripture, such as Mark 16:18, Acts 2:42-47, Ephesians 4:11-16, and Colossians 1:28, that our objective as Disciples is to win people for Christ and teach them how to love as God loves us and then send them out to make more Disciples. You see- the intent of God’s plan here- is to multiply. The Body of Christ will always need Disciples, so we must be very intentional in winning people for Christ, training them, and then sending them out to make more Disciples. This process is called Discipleship. Disciples making more Disciples for the Kingdom of God is a command from God.

Churches can get it wrong

Earles reminds us that this calling of Being and Making Disciples is the priority of the Church. We can see by looking at Ephesians 4:16 that the Church cannot function as God planned until each part of its Body becomes fully matured. When fully matured, the Body does not become suspect of false doctrines originating from human cunningness and deceitful schemes. An example of how Churches can misalign their priorities can be seen as Pastors in traditional Churches often are given the top priority of meeting people’s needs - quite contrary to Scripture’s calling to edify the Church outlined in Ephesians 4:11.

Remembering the outline for Disciples

As we embrace our calling as Disciples, we must also remember Colossians 1:28, otherwise known as “The Great Ambition.”   Disciples who show love for others show their love for God. Additionally, John 13:34-35 reveals how we will know Disciples by the love that they show each other. So, I ask each of you why we wouldn’t want to pursue our Spiritual Gifts that will allow the Church to grow as God Planned it. Embracing our Spiritual Gifts reveals our love for God, as we send a powerful message that we are in it to win souls for Him- the people He created and whom he dearly loves. But answering this calling is difficult for many of us, as we are called out of our comfort zones. We are also called to identify our natural gifts something less than 20% of Christians can identify.

Message for Henderson

So, in a nutshell, if we want to grow our Church, we must be very intentional in being and making Disciples our first order of the Church.   We must find and be bold in using our gifts so that the Church can grow in its ability to find and make these Disciples. One way you can do this at Henderson Memorial Baptist Church is by joining or starting your small group.

In Closing, God commanded us in Matthew 28:18-20 to “GO.”  This does not mean waiting week to week until we feel our time is best. If we expect to grow, the only successful plan to do so is outlined in Scripture- in the " Discipleship format.” Why wait? Why not act now and extend love to those who do not know God? Loving God means loving all of His People!


Happy Birthday wishes to our friend celebrating in July!

Liz Smith (15) 202 Wilton Road, Farmington

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Marjorie Goodwin who passed away June 15, 2022, in Cumberland, ME. We remember Marjorie’s beautiful singing voice, her love for her God and church family, and the sparkle in her eye and quick sense of humor. A memorial service will be held on July 23 at 11:00 am at HMBC.

Remember to keep our church family members in your prayers: Shelly and Maurice Barnett, Bev Lefebvre, Liz Smith, Crystal

McBean, Ann and father Bill Bryant, Carol Merithew, Carmen Crocker, Gloria Grush, Gary Wolcott and Susan Crane, Dot and Vernon Meldrum, Judy Dyer, and Stephanie Millay.

__________________________________________ Lectionary

                         July 3                 July 10                  July 17                  July 24

2     Kings 5:1-14  Amos 7:17     Amos 8:1-12                  Hosea 1:2-10 Psalm 30:1-12      Psalm 82       

Psalm 52        Psalm 85

Galatians 6:7-16        Colossians 1:1-14            Colossians 1:15-28       Colossians 2:6-15

Luke 10:1-11, 16-20       Luke 10:25-37                Luke 10:38- 42                Luke 11:1-14

July 31

Hosea 11:1-11

Psalm 107:1-9, 47

Colossians 3:1-11

Luke 12:13-21


Please join us for a Sunday Service on the lawn!

July 17, 2022 @ 9:30am

HMBC will be hosting its July 4th red hotdog giveaway.

HMBC will once again host the annual “Hotdog Giveaway” on the 4th of July following the parade. The event raises funds for the FAEM home heating assistance program which helps those with limited incomes survive the early part of winter until federal “LiHEAP'' funds become available in January. Once again we need your help with donated items: hotdogs, hotdog rolls, etc…as well as your assistance in setting up tables and serving the many hotdog lovers in the community who leave donations for the heating assistance program. Please arrive at church about 8 a.m. on the 4th and we are usually finished with the clean-up by noon–allowing people time for their own celebrations. Look for the sign-up sheet in the narthex. If you have questions, please contact Jack Anderson (578-0841) or Gladys Russell (491-9519).

Save the Date!

The HMBC Quarterly Business  Meeting will be held on August 7, 2022, directly after the worship service in Fellowship Hall.

Service at Orchard Park Nursing Home

On June 22, 2022, Pastor David Porter provided a service for residents at Orchard Park. There were 7 who attended and David read from Philippians 4:8. They also sang hymns. Residents expressed great appreciation for the opportunity, which because of COVID regulations, they have been limited to just one visitor. A big thank you to Holly Martin for setting it up! If anyone from the church is interested in helping to support this ministry, please let us know in the church office. Once COVID restrictions are lifted, more people will be allowed in to worship and visit with the residents.

A Thank you note from Shelly and Maurice Barnett

Henderson Memorial Baptist Church

110 Academy Street

PO Box 147

Farmington, ME  04938

Email: hmbcmaine@gmail.com

CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED____________________________________________________  Open Door

______________________ July 2022_______________________

Remembering Marjorie “Marj” Goodwin 1929-

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