How can I know if that voice I am hearing is from God?

Description: Reading the Bible can feel overwhelming. Henderson Memorial Baptist Church takes a unique approach to Bible Study as they use each week’s sermon text and message to discern its application in their individual lives.

Participants focus on key verses, key teachings, key doctrinal and theological emphases as they use the Big Idea of the passage to discern meaning in their lives.

1 Kings 19: 11-14

Before we dive into the text this morning, I would like to ask each of you does God speak with you? If so, can you please tell us how you know it is God and how He speaks with you?

Key Verse

“and after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper.” (1 Kings 19:12- NLT)

My Search for Meaning

1-Opening Question- Did you see God in action this past week? Has anyone read or seen anything that really spoke to their heart?

2. Our Subject today: This past weekend, Pastor David continued our message series, “Is that you God?” as we continued to look at how we can discern if it is God or not? God speaks in many different ways- how did this message impact your understanding and experience of how God speaks?

3. Inductive Bible Study

Observations: What are some observations about the passage-

a- Within the particular passage

b- Within the whole chapter

c- Within the whole book

d- Within the whole bible

Interpretation: Summarize what you are seeing from the whole Chapter- What is happening and what is the overall context?

Application Questions: Please us the following questions to discover an application. The Big deeper questions are optional.

1- God has just used Elijah to destroy 450 pagan prophets and now Jezebel wants him dead. To say the least, he was overwhelmed. Why? When we are overwhelmed with something in life, why is it that we pull and Elijah and sometimes run from God?

Possible Answers?

Deeper Biblical Dig - other supporting Text?

2- What did Elijah need the most? Rest, spiritual retreat, attitude adjustment, peace and quiet, answers, fellowship with other believers. When you are overwhelmed and stressed what helps you recover? vacation, trip, food, alone time, family or friends or time with God? Why?

Possible Answers?

Deeper Biblical Dig- other supporting Text?

3- Even though Elijah told God that he has accomplished much for Him and then blamed the Israelites for disobedience, he became a broken man. God replied, telling Elijah to do what? When God wants to meet with you, where do you go? And what do you do when you get there?

Possible Answers?

Deeper Biblical Dig- other supporting Text?

4- God moved in mysterious ways through Elijah, now we see Him move in simple ways. Why do you think God chose to speak in a gentle whisper? How can God whisper to you when you feel overwhelmed?

Possible Answers?

Deeper Biblical Dig- other supporting Text?

5- God led Elijah to find a friend. Elisha was busy plowing in His fields but God had other plans for Him. He was about to be called to follow Elijah. When we are in overwhelming times, we need friends. Who is a God-called person in your life with whom you can share your burdens? Why them?

Possible Answers?

Deeper Biblical Dig- other supporting Text?

6- Can you be an Elisha to someone? Maybe while you are doing life, God is about to call you to help someone. What can you do to prepare? Has God placed anyone in your hearts who you can reach out to this week?

Possible Answers?

Deeper Biblical Dig- other supporting Text?

Summing up my Application (what are some principles you learned?)

Take Home (from this past weekend’s message) please describe what you took home from the message Sunday

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